Huwebes, Marso 23, 2017



Piaget’s Theory

-the first cognitive theory developed by Jean Piaget’s beginning.

Piaget’s Assumptions About Children

·         Children construct their own knowledge in response to their experiences.
·         Children Construct learn many things on their own without the intervention of older children adults.
·         Children are intrinsically motivated to learn and do not need rewards from adults to motivate learning.

Nature vs.  Nurture

·         Nature vs. Nurture interact to produce cognitive development.
·         Nature- maturation of brain and body; ability to perceive learn act; motivation.
·         Nurture- adaptation: children respond to the demands of the environment in ways that meet their own goals.
·         Organization- children integrate particular observation into a body of coherent knowledge.

Continuous vs. discontinuous

·         Source of continuity
·         Assimilation-people translate in coming info in a form they can understand.
·         Accommodation-People adopt current knowledge structure in response to new experience.
·         Brief transition-transition to a higher stages of thinking are not necessarily continuous.
·         Invariant sequence-The sequence of stages are stable for all people through all time.

Piaget’s stages

·         Sensory motor stage (birth to 2 yrs.)-knowledge develops through sensory and motor abilities.
·         Preoperational stage (2 to 7yrs.)-Knowledge is represented by language mental imagery and symbolic thought.
·         Concrete operational stage (7 to 12)-Children can reason logically about concrete objects and events.
·         Formal operational stage(12yrs. To up)-Children can think deeply about concrete events and can reason abstractly and hypothically.

Piaget’s Sensorimotor

·         Substage 1(birth to 1month)-Building knowledge through reflexes (grasping, sucking)
·         Substage 2(1 to 4 months)-reflexes are organized into larger, integrated behaviors(grasping or rattle and bringing it to month to suck.
·         Substage 2(4 to 8 months)-repetition of function on the environment that brings out pleasing or interesting results.
·         Substage 4(8 to 12 months) – mentally representing objects when objects can no longer be seen, thus achieving object permarene.
·         Substage5(12 to 18 months- actively and avidly exploring the possible uses to which object can be put.
·         Susbtage 6(18 to months)-able to form enduring mental representations as demonstrated by “deferred limitation” the repetition of others “behaviors, minutes, or day after it has occurred.

Preoperational stage

·         Symbolic representation- the use of one object to stand for another.
·         Ecocentricsm-looking at the world only from one’s own point of view.
·         Centration-Focusing on one dimension of objects or event and on static states rather than transportation.

Concrete Operation stages

·         Conservation Concepts-changing the appearance or arrangements of objects does not change their key properties.
·         Highly abstract thinking and reasoning about hypothetical situation still remains very difficult.

Format Operation stage

·         Ability to think abstractly and reason hypothetical.
·         Ability to reason (systematically about all different outcomes.
·         Ability to engage in Scientific thinking.

Criticism of Piaget’s Theory

·         Children thinking is not as consistent as the stages suggest.
·         Infants and young children are more competent than piaget recognized.
·         Piaget’s undertakes the social competent of cognitive develop.
·         Piaget was better at describing process than of explaining how they operate.

My Reflection- piaget theory is focused on individual stages of development from infant, teen, and adult...these theory explain how the individuals make the world meaningful.

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