Biyernes, Marso 24, 2017

LESSON 19 Differences of Young Children Adolescents and Adult learners AND FIVE DIMENSIONS OF STUDENTS DEVELOPMENT

Differences of Young Children  Adolescents and Adult learners


  •  They can learn through talking about themselves, families and their lives.
  • They are curios to learn and discover new concepts on their own.
  •  They like to use their imagination and to discover things.
  •  They naturally need to touch, see, hear, and interact to learn.
  •  Because their attention span is limited, they need engaging and entertaining activities in order to not lose interest.
  • They like to cooperate and work in groups.
  • They need support and encouragement while learning.
  •  Teachers need to work their students individually because they need to be guided.


  •  They are in search for personal identity.
  •  They are in need of activities that meet their needs and learning expectations.
  •  They become disruptive when they lose interest in the lesson or feel bored.
  •  They need help and support to the teachers and to be provided with constructive feedback.
  •  They can draw upon a variety of resources in the learning environment, including personal experience, the local community and the internet.
  •  They need the teachers to build bridges between the syllabus and their world of interests and experiences.
  •  They can learn abstract issues and do challenging activities.
  •  Their personal initiative and energy are moved into action through meaningful involvement with relevant and current content.


  • Adults are more disciplined than adolescents.
  • They have a clear understanding of their own learning objectives.
  •  They need to be involved in choosing what and how to learn.
  • They prefer to rely on themselves and work on their own pace.
  • They come to the classroom with a wide range of knowledge, expectations and experiences.
  •  They are able to do a wide range of activities.
  •  They come into the classroom with diverse experience, opinions, thoughts, and beliefs which need be respected.
  • Adults learn at various rates and in different ways according to their intellectual ability, educational level, personality and cognitive learning styles.


1.) Confidence and Independence
    - we see growth and development learners confidence and independence become congruent with their actual abilities and skills, content knowledge, use of experience and reflections about their own leaning.

2.) Skills and Strategies
   - skills and strategies represents "know-how" aspect of learning, when we speak of "performance" or "mastery" we generally mean that learners have developed skills and strategies to function successfully in a certain situations.

3.) Knowledge and Understanding
  - refers to the "content" knowledge gained in particular subject areas. It is the most familiar dimensions, focusing on "know-what" aspect of learning.

4.) Use of Prior and Emerging Experience
  - the use of prior and emerging experience, involves learners abilities to draw of their own experience and connect it on their own experience.

5.) Critical Reflection
    - refers to the developing awareness of the learners own learning process as well as more analytical.

My Reflection-- In this lesson we can see the differences between children,adolescents and adult learner..young children are learn by the influence of their family,friends,and environment. They are very curious and they always trying new things. They are not afraid to try because they can't really understand particular things. In adolescents like me hehehe i really like challenge because i can learn more.. Experience is the best teacher if teacher give me difficult or new task i am very grateful because i discover something new and i learn also.... 

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